
Keeping things manageable for staff and students

       Very interesting how technology acceptance model (TAM) leads into unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) work within each other      The presence of computer and information technologies in today's organizations has expanded dramatically (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003). This was from 2003, think of the technology integration that has occurred since then.   Performance Expectancy - How will technology add benefit to users. Effort Expectancy - What is the ease of use for the users. Social Influence - Holds a key factor if technology advancement will be successful in an organization (Video, 2019).  This is similar to actors and models being spokespeople for new products. Facilitating Conditions - Facilitating conditions are defined as the degree to which an individual believes that an organizational and technical infrastructure exists to support use of the system (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003). These are other key factors in cons

Keep It Simple

  Keeping It Simple We cannot prevent the progress of technology in the world. Finding how to make it work with us to create amazing experiences is going to be an ongoing process. How can we keep a personal relationship and be involved with our staff when companies are managing facilities across many city miles, multiple states, and even around the world? Can we develop team development to include our growth in technology? Simple staff technological engagements can many times be overlooked. We are looking for ways to celebrate and acknowledge our staff. Simple forms of acknowledgement more often could help keep them engaged longer. Tom, with the University of Central Florida, mentions personalizing each student's experience (2022). Recognizing birthdays, work anniversaries, recognition of holidays, and many others. Platforms like FlipGrid, TikTok, and BeReal offer an experience to connect with teams on a more personal level. Another great point is making sure to treat students and

TAM in the Workforce

Two topics are consistent in several research projects encompassing TAM. Viswanath and Davis's research shows averages remain consistent across studies on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (2000). Perceived usefulness is how someone would feel technology would ease the workload, improve their work performance, and affect their productiveness. Perceived ease of the use is how easy is it to work with, upgrades are well explains and understandable, and platforms are easy to correlate to job responsibilities. Companies wanted to know whether all the investment in new computing technology would be worth it (Sauro, 2019). This is a regular topic of conversation at my job. Being in parks and recreation there are so many moving parts and useful platforms are very important. As you can find programs to get the job done or make your job easier, are we doing the research into these to make sure they communicate with each other. If they don’t communicate together then we potential

Blogging vs Discussion Board

Blogging vs Discussion Boards Blogs and Discussion Boards do seem to be very similar and in many ways can obtain the same end goal. Both blogging and discussion boards allow students and instructors to interact on a topic through comments or threads. Differences between these two forms of online communication are what can really set them apart. Blogging is a great communication format for students to create and keep personal, only sharing what they want to. Writing could provide them with a space for cathaisi and venting about emotions and stressful situations of daily life (Celdran, Serrat, Villar, & Montserrat, 2021).  This can be a great way to facilitate student journaling, with journal entries either kept private, shared with just the instructor, or shared more widely ("Blogs and Discussion Boards", 2022). The ability to interact with people was the most commonly cited reason for blogging (Pettigrew, Archer, & Harrigan, 2015). Discussion boards seem to offer simi